Training more, Chilling, and Running
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Today will be more of a chill issue, as I have already met my goals for March, and I will come back to it later.
But this will still be a busy month for me as the Marathon is dangerously approaching.
Taking the time to train
It's been two months, and I'm a bit in the rush, looking for bugs and getting contracts, and I loved that.
And I saw the results. In two months, I made like 90% of what I've made for the whole last year, which is crazy. I got pretty lucky with some programs and found some good bugs, so I'm pretty happy about the beginning of the year.
But I know that bug bounty can hurt a lot and that I will get months without anything, so I prefer to temper a bit. I still need to skill up more on some stuff, and that's probably what I'm going to do this month. Working more on my skills, doing some CTF, and working with my homelab to set up some juicy stuff.
Chilling more
I also came back playing a bit. It's been a while since I launched a game. I'm not a big player, as I'm pretty bad at a lot of games. But I love to play sometimes.
I went back to doing some Minecraft games, and I bought Civilization VII, and it's pretty great.
I know that most of you don't care about running, but some of you like that so it's for you.
In like a month, I will do my second marathon, the Paris one again as a revange. I was ill during this one, so it wasn't my best performance. I'm now in good shape, and I hope everything will be alright.
The training is actually like 50 to 60km a week, with a Sunday run of 25/30km, which is huge and tiring. But it's what I need to be ready. And I really enjoy the process.
It's also starting to be pretty sunny in Paris ( very rare ), so I enjoy it more.
I also tried to attend the NY Marathon, and I will get the results today I got a bib or not. Will tell you in the next post or on twitter if I got one.
It could be very nice, as I want to visit NY this year and also start doing the 7 majors of marathon.