A year of blogging, new design, and Hackyx

4 min read
A year of blogging, new design, and Hackyx
Photo by Patrick Fore / Unsplash

Table of contents

It's been now a year since I made this blog alive. I decided to start it to share my journey of starting to be a full-time hunter.

It was a really great decision as I love writing stuff and now we are a year later, time to change some details.

Changing the blog


Sometimes it's hard to change, but here I was excited to make some changes to my blog. It's been a while since I'm writing a post every week and I love doing it, and you also love it.

First, I changed the design, I finally took a real design to fit more of what I want. I also changed from Ghost Pro to Self Hosting my instance. So now, the blog is hosted on my server with Cloudflare as a CDN and Mailgun to send the emails. I may break some stuff but by now, it looks good.

I also need to set up a way to backup the whole blog in case of a problem. Ghost doesn't have a proper way to backup everything, from posts to images, so I will probably need to write it myself.


I tried last week to write a blog post on something not related to my journey, a post about the Cryptography behind AirDrop, and I loved writing it, and you also liked it.

I want to write more of that, to dig deep into some technology I use every day. But I will continue writing these aituweek every week. I just want to change something about them.

As I want my newsletter to continue growing, it's better if people subscribe to it. It helps me know that people are reading it and that I'm not writing for anyone. Also, now, if you want to read the previous aituweek, you will need to join the newsletter ( don't worry it's still free ). By doing that, you will receive the post once a week by email, and only that, not the other posts, to avoid spamming.

And as I know that some people don't want to give email, and it's alright, the aituweek will still be available on the blog for a week. So if you just follow me on X, you will still be able to read everything, and if you want to read the previous edition, you can still view them in the blog.

Why I'm doing it?

I know that it can be a weird setup, but when you build a Newsletter, you want to grow and understand what the people like or not and continue to iterate.

And with the way I've done it, a lot of people were reading them through the blog, without feedback and it's hard to iterate with it.

Maybe I will change how it works in the next weeks, tell me what you think about that. So if you want to join, feel free here.

And of course, I want now to post more about other subjects and posts related to my life, and these posts will be directly available on the blog.

X Premium

I also finally decided to join X Premium, mainly to have the possibility to write longer posts, to get more reach, and to have the famous blue badge.

I will see in the next weeks if it's worth it or not.


I have now more time to be back on the project. I know that it's been some months since there were no changes on the site but I will try to change it soon.

I found it crazy that even without any change there are so many people using it every day:

Views of hackyx

That's why I also want to continue working on it. I also have some nice improvements to make on the website, and I will work on it with Wlayzz in the next weeks probably.

The main improvement I want to add now is a way to automatically add new articles, writeups, and stuff to the search engine, by adding a feed of nice written articles.

We also want to auto-tag the writeup and articles using AI to simplify the process and add a better way to search for better stuff.

Also, If you have suggestions on how to improve it, feel free to contact us on X !

End of Japan

It's also my last week here in Tokyo, this past week was more about working than traveling and it was very nice. I love going to café and just working, having my habits here and not living like a tourist.

Next week, I will be in South Korea for a month, I'm going there to run a Half Marathon next week, and then to see some friends.

See you next week.



The author of this blog, a bug bounty hunter and security researcher that shares his thoughts about the art of hacking.