My goals in 2024

2023 was a great year for me, that was my first step in the bug bounty world and the beginning of my journey as a full-time hunter. I just want to look back a bit and set my new goals for 2024.

My goals in 2024
Photo by Kajetan Sumila / Unsplash

2023 was a great year for me, that was my first step in the bug bounty world and the beginning of my journey as a full-time hunter. I just want to look back a bit and set my new goals for 2024.

How was 2023?

If I look at my dashboard concerning my bounties, that was great. I made around 20k in total, which is not a huge amount, but very nice for my first year, and during this year I was full-time only for 3 months ( where I made most of my bounties ).

I had a goal to start being full-time, and to get around 1k5 per month so the goal for 2023 is done.

I looked at a lot of programs but I made 90% of my bounties from 3 of them which means that being focused on some programs is better in the long term in my opinion. I never found bugs during the first week of hunting, but only after digging into the app. And that's what I'm going to continue in 2024.

What's next?

This year, I will be fully focused on Bug Bounty, and I wanted to set some goals to achieve before the end of the year.

First of all, in terms of money, my goal is to get 5k per month on average. I know it's a big step, but I know that it's possible. If I look at how much I spent my time last year in Bug Bounty, I have plenty of time to work more during this year.

To help that, I'm going to change some stuff. I want to continue building some automation to help my workflow. But I don't want to create a recon automation, so many people are on it. I want to focus on some programs so I want to build automation on javascript monitoring and source code monitoring for instance. I'm sure that it will help me in general to get some passive income in the future.

Then, I want to focus on programs that pay more and faster. I know that these programs are huge and hard but being stick on them for months, I know that I will be able to find bugs easily in the future too. I will take some programs, and just focus on them.

Another point is that I wanted to find my special skill, the one that I will be the best at. I thought a lot about it, and by looking backward, I first made my studies in maths to work in the Cryptography world. I love that world in which I can understand how to encrypt data and find ways to decrypt it. And I have a strong background in maths. So I decided to focus on it and be very good at crypto in the next few months. It's already been 2 months that I'm working on it.

I'm sure that it can help me in bug bounty in the end, because not a lot of people will look at the crypto stuff in the programs.

But I'm not going to only focus on crypto and I'll continue working on web stuff of course.

The blog

I will continue to write these articles to show you my journey and see it as a journal. I know that it can be hard to start in this field, and that's why I want to cover all the stuff I learn to help others start too.

See you in the next post!